WBCS English Composition

Questions on English Composition will cover Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Vocabulary test, Phrasal Verbs, the same words bearing more than one meaning, use of appropriate and qualifying words etc.

1.  A  gourmet loves ———.   
   (A) Fashion     (B) Action    (C) Food     (C) Films

2. The ——— of the place attracts many ascetics.  
   (A) Quietness     (B) Silebce    (C) Quietude    (D) Soundlessness

3.  The street in not properly ———— .
    (A) Illumed      (B)Illumind    (C) Illuminated       (D) Enlightened

4.  A man with an irrationally fixed idea is called  ————
    (A) An eccentric      (B) A maniac     (C) A manikin     (D) A phobic

5.  A man in the charge of farming and nurturing animals is called  ————. 
    (A)  A ploughman    (B) A farmer    (C) Afirm-manager     (D) A husbands man

6.  Lachrymose nature means ———— .
    (A) Lethargic    (B) Prone to anger    (C) Prone to tear     (D) Energetic

7. The man who follows his nose actually follows his ———— .
   (A)  Passion     (B) Rationality      (C) Instinct      (D) Memory

8. Detect where the adjective “public” is used in a derogatory sense :
    (A) Public house      (B) Public Woman    (C) Public servant    (D) Public speech

9.   A clever man sweeps his family scandals under the  ——— .
    (A)  Ground     (B) Floor     (C) Capet      (D) Grave-stone

10.   It is usual nowadays to blow one’s own  ————  to impress others.
      (A) Horn     (B) Trumpet     (C) Drum    (D) Band

Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition :
11.  (A) Doggish  — Canine   (B) Manly  — Virile 
      (C) Divine — Infernal     (D) Earthly  —  Terrestrial

Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition :
12.  (A) Pedant  —— Pedagogic   (B) Humid  —— Arid
      (C) Erroneous  —— Faulty    (D) Horrible  —— Horrendous

Choose the word from the list which is nearest in menaing to the underlined part of the sentence :
13.  Hike in oil price may mar the future of the trade world .
      (A) Harness    (B) Help    (C) Better     (D) Worsen

Choose the word from the list which is nearest in menaing to the underlined part of the sentence :
14.  The separation from a lover fills one’s mind with blues.
      (A) sadness    (B) Romanticism    (C) Nostalgia      (D) Colourfulness

15.  ’ In the time of danger, we should try to take the bull by the horns ‘  means “In the time of danger we should try to  ——— “ 
      (A) Surmount it    (B) Face the situation boldly    (C) Overcome it    ( D) Control ourselves

16.  ‘We are superior to everybody else’ is the apt utterance of a / an
      (A)  egoist     (B) pacitifist     (C) anarchist     (D) chauvinist

17.  ” To give a dog a bad name “ means
      (A) it is very difficult to destroy the reputation of a loyal person
      (B) it is very difficult it lose a bad reputation  
      (C) it is very difficult to earn a good reputation in a bad company 
      (D) it is very difficultto both be loyal and do something that jeopardizes self-reputation.

18. The prospect of her marriage is remote .
      The opposite of ‘remote’, in this sentence, would be
     (A) high    (B) less     (C) far     (D) near

19.  Fill in the blank with the right word :
      A lame duck organization is one which needs ___________.
     (A) authoity    (B) staff    (C) power   (D) support

20.  A manicurist takes care of
      (A) foot    (B) ear    (C) nails     (D) mind

21.  A duck is a bird, but to duck is
      (A) to feel shy    (B) to refuse    (C) to abandon   (D) to avoid

22.  Insert the appropriate pheasal verb in the blank below and make the sentence meaningful :
      This evidence  ———— with what one already knows.
      (A) ties in    (B) sets in    (C) gives in    (D) goes down

23.  The specialist who handles problems in the human body related to bones  is a / an
       (A) Orthodontist     (B) Osteopath    (C) podiatrist    (D) Oncologist

24.  Baptism of fire means
     (A) a fire fighting act    (B) a bad beginning in the first job
     (C) a diffcult intorduction to an experience   (D) a religious experience

25.  A pugilist is a
      (A) boxer     (B) swimmer    (C) athlete     (D) weight-lifter

From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentences:
26. The children were very vivacious in the play ground.
    (A) smiling     (B) sportive    (C) lively / full of life    (D) joyful

From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentences:
27. After a prolonged suffering he passed away.
   (A) went away      (B) left     (C) expired     (D) yielded

From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentences:
28. The musician has a very sonorous voice.
   (A) Loud     (B) Shrill     (C) Harsh     (D) Full and deep

From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentences:
29. In the new place he had to earn by the sweat of his brow.
   (A) Very hard work    (B) Frown of his brow    (C) Seriously    (D) Idly

From the given options choose the words nearest in meaning to those underlined in the sentences:
30. After much effort he could tide over the crisis.
   (A) Overcome     (B) Win over     (C) Defeat     (D) Enjoy

Choose the correct prepositions to fill in the blanks:
31. A gentleman should be true _________his words.
    (A) from      (B) to     (C) in     (D) on

Choose the correct prepositions to fill in the blanks:
32. The father was vexed _______ the son.
   (A) with       (B) about    (C) to    (D) in

Choose the appropriate words from the given options to suit the meaning of the following most nearly.
33. A fourteen-lined poem is called a
   (A) sonnet    (B) epilogue     (C) composition     (D) lyric

Choose the appropriate words from the given options to suit the meaning of the following most nearly.
34. One who hates mankind is called
    (A) Man-hater      (B) Cannibal     (C) Demon     (D) Misanthropist

35. Choose the correct meaning of the following idiomatic expression from the options given:
       Poles apart
   (A) Very distant      (B) Separate     (C) Totally different in views    (D) Very difficult

Choose the correct items from the given options:
36. The art of cultivating and managing gardens is called
   (A) Horticulture     (B) Gardening      (C) Botany     (D) Geology

Choose the correct items from the given options:
37. Love for the whole world is called
    (A) Patriotism      (B) Generousness     (C) Philanthropy     (D) Nobility

38. From the given options choose the most appropriate word to fill up the gap in the following sentence: The mother_______ the child
    (A) Deserted     (B) Hated     (C) Ran away     (D) Abandoned

Choose the most appropriate single word from the options given, as substitute for the underlined parts of the sentences.
39. People who look at the stars in the sky are pursuing a wonderful vocation.
     (A) Astrologers     (B) Astronomers    (C) Geophysicists     (D) Geologists

Choose the most appropriate single word from the options given, as substitute for the underlined parts of the sentences.
40. People who were present in the hall to listen to the lecture were undisciplined.
     (A) Crowd      (B) Mob    (C) Audience      (D) Ruffians

41. Choose the correct item from the given options:
     A Government by divine guidance is called
    (A) Theocracy      (B) Episcopacy     (C) Oligarchy     (D) Aristocracy

42. Choose the opposite of the following idiomatic expression from the options given: 
      To go to the dogs.
      (A) To turn over a new leaf    (B) To oil one’s own machine     (C) be off one’s head    (D) To breathe one’s last

43. From the options choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to those underlined in the following sentence:
     The high-handed ways of the manager made him an enemy of the people.
     (A) Submissive and’ friendly     (B) Ignorant       (C) Angry     (D) Impatient

44. Complete the sentence by choosing appropriate word from the given options:
     Tagore’s birthday was _______  with songs and recitation
    (A) completed     (B) maintained     (C) celebrated     (D) enjoyed

45. Choose the correct meaning of the following idiomatic expression from the options given:
      “A bolt from the blue —
     (A) a drop from the sky    (B) an unexpected shock      (C) thunderbolt     (D) a blue sky

46. Choose the correct item from the given options:
      A disease affecting many persons at the same time and place is called
     (A) epidemic     (B) infection        (C) sickness      (D) death

47. From the given options choose the most appropriate word to fill up the gap in’ the following sentence:
      1 had_______ something wrong as soon as I reached the spot.
      (A) understood      (B) realised      (C) guessed     (D) smelt

Choose the most appropriate single word from the options given, as substitute for the underlined parts of the sentences.
48. I met a person in the meeting whose appearance did not reflect his mind.
     (A) Was deceptive     (B) was convincing      (C) was faithful     (D) was honest

Choose the most appropriate single word from the options given, as substitute for the underlined parts of the sentences.
49. A collection of poems came out to felicitate the poet.
     (A) Guide book      (B) Collection      (C) Compilation       (D) An Anthology

50. Choose the correct item from the given options:
      A person who makes his journey on foot is called a
      (A) Pedestrian      (B) Walker      (C) Rambler     (D) Wanderer

Choose the word from the list which is nearest in meaning to the underlined parts of the sentences:
51. He pierced the balloon with a pin.
   (A) Stabbed     (B) Pricked     (C) Penetrated     (D) Burst

Choose the word from the list which is nearest in meaning to the underlined parts of the sentences:
52. The mother hummed softly as she rocked the baby to sleep.
   (A) Chanted     (B) Crooned      (C) Intoned      (D) Whispered

Choose the word from the list which is nearest in meaning to the underlined parts of the sentences:
53.  His letter fuelled my doubts.
   (A) Ended      (B) Increased       (C) Caused      (D) Reaffirmed

Choose the correct alternative from the options to fill in the blanks:
54.  ‘To come to the fore’ means to become__________. 
    (A) prominent     (B) aggressive      (C) weak     (D) aware

Choose the correct alternative from the options to fill in the blanks:
55.  On one’s toes’ signifies _______   
    (A) Concentration       (B) courtesy      (C) Punctuality       (D) alertness

Choose the correct alternative from the options to fill in the blanks:
56.  ‘To make headway’ is to ____________.
     (A)  Make progress     (B)   make little progress      (C) to progress towards collision     (D)to proceed to travel

Choose the correct alternative from the options to fill in the blanks:
57.  ‘Waiting with bated breath’ is to ________.
    (A) Feel very excited      (B) Feel breathlessness      (C) Waiting for the dentist with the complait of bad breath      (D) Waiting to take revenge

58.  ‘Replace the underlined words with most appropriate phrasal verbs:
     After a promising start his career soon came to an end in a disappointing way.
    (A) Roughed out      (B) Fizzled out      (C)Flaked Out     (D) Rounded off

59.  Choose the correct meaning of the underlined portion:
    She has been sitting on the books taken from the library for a month.
    (A)Doing nothing with the books    (B)Reading the books carefully    (C)Reading the books only      (D)keeping the books as a mark of protest 

 Select the pair among the following which is set in opposition
60.   (A) Gay: Animated    (B) Full: Replete       (C) Surmise: Fact    (D) Generation: Age

 Select the pair among the following which is set in opposition
61.   (A) Wanton : Restrained     (B) Sardonic : Bitter    (C) Bright : Refulgent      (D) Fetch : Bring 

 Select the pair among the following which is set in opposition
62.   (A) Macabre : Earic      (B) Abortive : Successful      (C)  Secret : Covert     (D)   Mock : Rally

Fill in the blanks with the correct word to make the idioi complete or meaningful:
63. The young politician’s speech was full of blood and ––
    (A) Sweat       (B) Blade       (C) Dagger       (D) Thunder

Fill in the blanks with the correct word to make the idioi complete or meaningful:
64. He held out an olive branch to his ––-
    (A) Enemy     (B) Friend      (C) Pet      (D) Forefathers

Choose the right word from the alternatives to complete each sentence and give it an idiomatic turn:
65. To be very bust is tobe as busy as a
    (A) Squirrel     (B) Bee     (C) Duck     (D) Mouse

Choose the right word from the alternatives to complete each sentence and give it an idiomatic turn:
66.  Someone having a weak memory is said to have a mind/memory like a
     (A) Sieve       (B) Soap     (D) Screw       (D) Stream

Choose the right alternative from the options given :
67. A market where old and used goods are sold is caiied a 
     (A) Grey market     (B)   Share market     (C) Black market    (D)   Flea market

Choose the right alternative from the options given :
68. An interpreter is involved with the task of
    (A) Inscription       (B) Transcription      (C) Translation     (D) Transformation

Choose the right alternative from the options given :
69.  One who moves from one place to go to live or work in anoti is called a migrant But a vagrant is a person
     (A) without a valid passport    (B) who goes to live in exile     (C) without a settled home or regular work    (D) who asks for political asylum

Choose the right alternative from the options given :
70. A homophone for the word ‘whole’ will be
     (A) Hole     (B) Roll     (C) Wholesome      (D) Whale   

71.  Fill in the blanks choosing the right word/alternative:
     A barber shaves _____  a gardener   .
    (A) Binds      (B) Reaps       (C) Gleans      (D) Prunes

Choose the right alternative:
72. A soporific speech would tend to
    (A) Put one to sleep   (B)   Stimulate action      (C)Appeal primarily to emotions      (D) be incomprehensible   

Choose the right alternative:
73. The idiosyncrasies of a professor must not include
     (A) Eccentricities    (B) Flaws     (C) Oddities        (D) Typicalities

Choose the right alternative:
74. In a Hobson’s choice situation one
     (A) Must accept what is offered as there is no alternative
     (B) Can freely choose from many alternatives
     (C) Must choose only in consultation with other members of the group he/she belongs to 
     (D) Can do any of the above

Choose the right alternative:
75.  A fly-by-night company.
      (A)  Operates only at night       (B)   Sends cargo by plane only
      (C)   Is interested only in making quick profits      (D)  Operates from no fixed place

76.  Political crime against one’s own country is called
    (A) Treachery     (B) Treason      (C) Sedition       (D) Terrorism

77.  A drawback usually observed in women is called
    (A) Womanly     (B) Womanish      (C) Female       (D) Feminine

78.  The trees which shed all their leaves at a particular time of the year called
   (A) Evergreen      (B) Coniferous      (C) Deciduous         (D) Savanna

79.  Choose the correct item:
     Dance is an art form, but to dance attendance is to
    (A) Take part in group dance attendance
    (B) Entertain by dancing
    (C) Be subservient
    (D) Be flattering

80.  Our gateman is a man of enormous size. 
     (A) Healthy    (B) Tall    C) Gigantic     (D) Big

81. The receptionist of the hotel greeted us with the pink of courtesy.
    (A) Very sweetly      (B) With seriousness      (C) Warmly    (D) Respectfully

82.  Choose of the opposite of the following idiomatic expression from the options given:
    To have other fish to fry
    (A) To play the second fiddle
    (B) To do the Yeoman’s Service
    (C) To oil one’s own machine 
    (D) To cut the coat according to one’s cloth

83.  The concluding part of a literary work is called
     (A) Epigraph     (B) Epitaph      (C) Conclusion      (D) Epilogue

84.  One who knows all is called
    (A) Scholarly     (B) Omniscient     (C) Learned     (D) Erudite

85. The beautiful lady compared –––- the moon by the poet.
    (A) with      (B) to       (C) of     (D) like

86. Competitors ––— the globe took part in the game.
    (A) from     (B) over     (C) around     (D)across

87.  The senior officer was angry ––— the sobordinates
     (A) upon        (B) on     (C) with     (D) against

88.   Shylock nurtured a deep-rooted hatred –  Antonio. 
    (A) for     (B) to    (C) against     (D) about

89.   A government of the richest class is called
    (A) Monarchy     (B) Aristocracy     (C) Plutocracy    (D) Oligarchy

90.  A person out to destroy the government is known as  
    (A) a terrorist     (B) an anarchist      (C) a militant      (D) an extremist

91. From the given options choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank in the sentence:
     After one week’s continuous fever, the relatives of the patient became–—about the mode of treatment.
     (A) Suspicious    (B) doubtful      (C) apprehensive        (D) inquisitive

92.  We all –––– an unknown danger before us.
      (A) Foresaw      (B) predicted       (C) anticipated     (D) apprehended

93. This method is not wrong ; but there may be a more  ––––- method then this.
     (A) suitable       (B) effective       (C) effectual     (D) working

94. Complete the sentence by choosing appropriate word from the given option.
     (A) observed     (B) enjoyed      (C) celebrated     (D) performed

95.  Choose the correct meaning of the following idiomatic expression from the option given.
      At daggers drawn
      (A) Hostile to other     (B) Violent to other      (C) Dangerous for other     (D) Violently opposed to each other

96.  From the options choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to those underlined in the following sentence :
     The 19th century was the hey-day of the renaissance in Bangal.
    (A) Days of decline     (B) peak-point    (C) period of stagnation    (D) Time of up-rise

97.  After much resistance the robbers gave in to the police.
      (A) Arrested    (B) Apologized     (C) Yielded    (D) Defeated

98. Man dose not live by bread alone.
     (A) Food    (B) Sustenance    (C) Material prosperity    (D) Good health

99.  People who believe anything told to them are not dependable. 
      (A) Faithful     (B) Credible     (C) All-believing     (D) Credulous

100.  The two men coming from the same country booked the same hotel in the nighbouring state.
       (A) Immigrants     (B) Compatriots     (C) Comrades      (D) Refugees
101.  To make use of marks like commas or full stops is to
    (a) Deviate       (b) Vary      (c) Regulate        (d) Punctuate

102.  When the author gives a name which is not his real one the book is said to be written under a
    (a) Fiction      (b) Falsehood      (c) Pseudonym      (d) Mistake

103.  To conduct talks with a party with the aim of setting an issue is to
     (a) Negotiate      (b) Confer       (c) Consult      (d) Advise

104.  A child who has lost both his parents is known as.
    (a) Unlucky       (b) A foundling     (c) An orphan      (d) A street-child

Tick the exact opposite of each word given below:
105.  Humility
    (a) Rudeness     (b) Vanily     (c) Pride     (d) Arrogance

Tick the exact opposite of each word given below:
106.  Extravagance
   (a) Rudness    (b)Vanity    (c) Pride       (d) Arrogance

From the list which follow choose the correct meanings of the underlined part of the sentences given below :
107.  Please put on record my objections to this step.
    (a) Put in writing     (b) Do not forget      (c) Play on a record-player      (d) Send them to the proper authorities

From the list which follow choose the correct meanings of the underlined part of the sentences given below :
108.  The truant boy promised to turn over a new leaf.
    (a) Turn to nature      (b) Start a new and better life      (c) Move away from the place     (d) Change for the worse

From the list which follow choose the correct meanings of the underlined part of the sentences given below :
109.  The man was willing to undertake the work for a consideration.
     (a) Out of sympathy     (b) Against payment      (c) Only for a brief period    (d) On certain terms

From the accompanying list choose a single word describing each of the following as closely as possible:
110.  A dwelling in which soldiers live.
    (a) Camp     (b) Barracks      (c) Tents      (d) Cottage

From the accompanying list choose a single word describing each of the following as closely as possible:
111.  A seller of cakes
    (a) Baker    (b) Salesman    (c) Cake-seller    (d) Confectioner

Choose the word closest in meaning to that which is underlined:
112.  The boy was reprimanded by his father.
    (a) Abused      (b) Beaten      (c) Admired      (d) Rebuked

Choose the word closest in meaning to that which is underlined:
113.  With great cunning the clerk forged the important document.
    (a) Wickedness    (b) Intellingence     (c) Craftiness    (d) Skill.

Choose the right word from the accompanying list to fill in the blanks:
114. To regret is to be –––- .
     (a) Sad     (b) Sorrowful     (c) Tragic     (d) Sorry

Choose the right word from the accompanying list to fill in the blanks:
115. To bungle is to –––— .
     (a) Confuse     (b) Blunder       (c) Mistake       (d)Erase

Choose the right word From the option given :
116.  An author who writes the story of another person’s life is kown as
     (a) Historian       (b) Chronicler       (c) Biographer      (d) Diarist

Choose the right word From the option given :
117.  A collection of assorted poems or other writings is known
      (a) A case book    (b) An Anthology     (c) A Journal     (d) Reviews

Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate works chosen from the options given :
118.  A piece of writing done by hand is called a –––— .
     a) Script      (b)Copy      (c) Manuscript      (d) Essay

Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate works chosen from the options given :
119. When an animal sleeps through the winter it is––– .
     (a) Ruminating      (b) Hibernating     (c) Gravitating     (d) Radiating

From  the option given, choose a single word in place of the underlined portions:
120.  Part of the examination should be conducted by word of mouth.
     (a) Orally     (b) Intelligently     (c) Confidentially    (d) Literally

From  the option given, choose a single word in place of the underlined portions:
121.  My friend was apt to act suddenly without thinking.
     (a) Courageously    (b) Excitedly     (c)Thoughtlessly     (d) Impulsively

Replace the underlined portions of each sentence by a single word chosen from the options given:
122.  The people of the country rebelled against the oppressive and cruel ruler.
      (a) Director    (b) Tyrant     (c) Demagogue     (d) Emperor

Replace the underlined portions of each sentence by a single word chosen from the options given:
123. The man who passed himself off as another was finaly caught by the alert young detective.
     (a) Wrong-doer      (b) Cheat     (c) Impostor    (d) Traitor

Complete the following sentence with words chosen from the option given:
124.  The waves that tumble on to the beach are called.
    (a) Tumblers      (b) Breakers      (c) Currents     (d) Roarers

Complete the following sentence with words chosen from the option given:
125.  The opposite of help is
     (a) Halt     (b) Helpless     (c) Hindrance    (d) Stop