                                                Syllabus for Class: XI
                      Total Marks: 100 (Theory: 70 and Practical: 30)
A. Physical Geography. 40 Marks / 40 periods.
B. Economic Geography. 30 Marks / 30 periods.
A. Physical Geography.
1. Geography as a Discipline. (02 periods)
· Branches of Geography.
· Future Scope of Branches of Geography.
2. Principles of Physical Geography. (03 periods)
· Origin of Earth (Explanation of a Classical Theory).
· Interior of the Earth.
· Concept and definition of Isostasy.
· Seafloor spreading, drifting of Continents, Plate Tectonic and Island Arc.
3. Geomorphic Processes and Resultant Landforms. (15 periods)
· Definition and types of Geomorphic Processes.
· Endogenic Processes Resultant Landforms.
i) Folding:
· Mechanism of Folding.
· Structural Elements of Fold.
· Types of Fold: * Symmetrical Fold, *Asymmetrical Fold,
* Isoclinal Fold, * Monoclinal Fold,
* Recumbent Fold, * Over thrust Fold,
* Fan Fold.
ii) Faulting:
· Mechanism of Faulting.
· Structural Elements of Faulting.
· Types of Faulting: * Normal Fault, * Reverse Fault,
* Thrust Fault, * Step Fault
iii) Volcanicity and Associated Landforms:
· Definition and concept of Volcanicity.
· Causes of Volcanicity.
· Types of Volcanicity.
· Associated Landforms of Volcanicity: Extrusive and Intrusive.
· Concept of Volcano.
· Different parts of Volcano.
· Different types of volcanoes according to frequency of eruption.
· Distribution of World Volcanoes with special reference to Pacific Ring of Fire.
iv) Earthquake:
· Concept and Definition of Earthquake.
· Types of Seismic Waves.
· Measuring Instruments and Scale.
· Isoseismal and Homoseismal Line.
· Causes of Earthquake (Examples from India).
· Effects of Earthquake (Examples from India).
· Distribution of Earthquake prone Zone.
· Seaquakes and Tsunamis.
· Prediction of Earthquake.
4. Hydrosphere. (12 periods)
i) Topography of Ocean floor:
· Major 4 divisions and others types of Ocean floor topography.
· Topography of Ocean Floor:
· Pacific Ocean,
· Atlantic Ocean
· Indian Ocean.
ii) Ocean Deposits:
· Classification of Ocean Deposits according to origin and location.
· Importance of Marine Resources:
· Mineral resources.
· Food Resources.
· Power Resources (Tidal, Wave, Sea thermal)
iii) Temperature, Salinity and Density of Ocean Water:
· Importance of Temperature of Ocean Water.
· Process of Heating and Cooling of Ocean Water.
· Factors of Temperature Variation of Ocean Water.
· Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Ocean Water Temperature.
· Concept and importance of Salinity.
· Causes of Salinity of Ocean Water.
· Distribution of Salinity of Ocean Water.
· Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Density of Ocean Water.
iv) Ocean Currents:
· Concept and Causes of Ocean Currents.
· Distribution of Ocean Currents in the Pacific Ocean.
· Distribution of Ocean Currents in the Atlantic Ocean.
· Distribution of Ocean Currents in the Indian Ocean.
· Importance of Ocean Currents.
5. Biosphere. (08 periods)
· Nature and Extent of Biosphere.
· Components of Biosphere.
· Concept of Ecosystem.
· Types of Ecosystem.
· Components of Ecosystem.
· Concept of Tropic Level (Food Pyramid).
· Food Web.
· Energy Flow (Energy Pyramid in Ecosystem).
B. Economic Geography.
1. Resource.
· Concept and Definition of Resource.
· Characteristics of Resource.
· Classification of Resource.
· Resource Creating Factors (Man, Nature, Culture)
2. Utilization of World Resources.
Biotic Resource:
i) Forest.
· Types of Forests with special emphasizes on Temperate Forest, Equatorial Forest,
Mangrove Forest, Grassland.
· Forest Resources and their Conservation.
ii) Fishing.
· Concept of Fishing.
· Fishing Ground.
· Factors behind the development of Fishing Ground.
· Types of Fish.
· Methods of Fishing.
· Areas of Fishing with special reference to India, Japan and Bangladesh.
· Development of Ports and Markets depending upon Fishing.
· Fish Conservation.
· Recent Fisheries Policy of India.
iii) Land use Pattern.
· Land use Pattern of USA and Canada.
· Land use Pattern of China, Japan and Korea.
· Land use Pattern of Brazil, Chili and Argentina.
· Land use Pattern of Ukraine and Netherlands.
· Land use Pattern of South Africa.
· Land use Pattern of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.
iv) Water Resource: Irrigation and Water Preservation.
· Techniques of Irrigation.
· Use and Misuse of Water in Irrigation.
· Dangers of Over-watering.
· Conservation of Water Resources and Watershed Management.
· Irrigation of India, Pakistan and Egypt.
· Alternative Methods of Irrigation.
v) Mineral and Power Resources.
· Types of Mineral Resources.
· World Distribution of Iron Ore, Copper, Manganese, Mica, Petroleum and
Natural Gas, Coal, Uranium and Thorium.
· Types of Power Resource: Conventional and Non-conventional.
· Types of Energy: Thermal, Hydroelectric and Nuclear Energy.
· World Distribution of – Hydroelectric: Canada and Scandinavian Countries.
Thermal: India in World Respect.
Nuclear: Main Leading Countries.
· Non-conventional Energy: Solar Energy, Tidal Energy, Sea Wave Energy,
Geothermal Energy, Wind Energy, Biogas Energy, Waste-garbage recycling
Energy and others.
· Conservation of Natural Resources – Need and Method.
vi) Map Works: Showing World Distribution of Resources.
30 marks
1. Maps and Scales: Types of Maps and Drawing of Linear Scale. 5
2. Cartograms- Construction of line, graph, bar graph,
flow and star diagram, drawing of isolines-isotherms,
isohyets and contours. 5
3. Use of Weathering Instruments: 5
i) Maximum and Minimum Thermometer.
ii) Hygrometer.
iii) Barometer.
4. a) Weather Map Interpretation. 5
b) Rainfall and Temperature Graph.
5. Field Study and Viva. 5
On: i) Land use of any Local Area.
ii) Traffic Flow.
ii) Household Survey.
6. Laboratory Note Book. 5
Questions on Theory part will be given in 03 patterns:
1. 21 MCQ type questions from all sections carrying 1 marks each= 21 marks.
2. 14 Short answer type question from all sections carrying 1 marks each= 14 marks.
3. 5 Analytical or Descriptive type question carrying 7 marks each= 35 marks.

                                               CLASS – XII
                                              Total Marks: 70

A. Physical Geography
1. (a) Geomorphic Processes – Exogenous Processes and associated landforms
2 periods
· Gradation
· Degradation
· Aggradations very short Chart No. - 1
· Weathering
· Agents of Gradation
(b) Work of Ground water and associated landforms 5 periods
Definition of Ground water
Water table,
Acquifers, Springs, Process of erosion by groundwater solution, corrosion, Karst Topography – Sink holes,
dolines, caves, caveras, Karst lakes, depositional features: stalactites, stalagmites, cavepillars, dripstones their
formation Diagrams and Examples from India, Australia & Yugoslavia
(c) Marine Processes and associated landforms : 5 periods
Erosional Process of sea wave – abrasion, attrition, solution and hydraulic action; coastline and shoreline,
erosional features; sea-cliffs, sea caves, stacks and depositional land forms. e.g. bays, bars and lagoons. Coral
reefs : types – fringing, barrier and atolls; submerged and emergent coastlines.
Diagrams and Example from India, Australia and West Europe. (Wherever relevant)
[Note : Only diagram based questions will be asked]
2. Cycle of Erosion: Mechanism & Processes.
a) Normal cycle 5 periods
b) Arid cycle
c) Interruption of Fluvial cycle
Rejuvenation and resultant landforms
3. Drainage Pattern:
Classification and characteristics
Relation with underlying structure 3 periods
4. Soil
Introduction & Definition 5 periods
Genesis of soil
Factors of soil formation
Soil forming process: Fundamental & specific with special reference to fundamental
(Weathering, Illuviation, Elluviation, Humification)
Soil profile
Properties of soil
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Soil classification (U.S.D.A. classification)
(By chart)
Soil Degradation & Conservation
5. Atmosphere
15 periods
A. Atmospheric disturbances
Cyclone – mechanism of cyclone
Cyclone of tropical zones
Cyclone of temperate zones
Anticyclones – their types and associated weather
World Map showing major paths of cyclone
Modern concepts of weather circulation, Jet Stream, EI Nino, La Nina
Concepts to be introduced with reference to India
B. Climate Change
Practical Work on Weather Map interpretation
Climatic classification (Equatorial Monsoon, Mediterranean, climatic regions of the world -----------------
Climate & Vegetation
Influence of climate on Natural vegetation
Classification of plants (According E. Warming)
Climate Change
Causes of climatic change
Role of Human Being on World climatic change
Ozone Depletion
Green House Effect
Global Warming
Evidence of climatic change
6. Biodiversity
Definition 5 periods
Types of Biodiversity
Loss of Biodiversity
Importance of Biodiversity
Significance of conservation of Biodiversity
Biodiversity & Man
Strategies of conservation of Biodiversity
7. Man Environment Interaction
A. Natural Hazard & Disasters 5 periods
Definition and difference
Classification of Natural Disaster
Measures of Disaster
Pre Disaster
Post Disaster
Mitigation Strategies
B. Economic Geography
1. Economic Activities
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) Quaternary
e) Quinary
a) Primary Activity: Agriculture
10 periods
i) Types of agriculture
Wet and dry
Crop Rotation and Crop Combination
Intensity of cropping
Modern inputs in agriculture
Technological Shifting – from subsistence to commercial agriculture
Green Revolution, White Revolution & Blue Revolution
ii) Food Grains : Rice (China / India)
Wheat (leading two countries)
Pulses& Millets (India)
iii) Commercial & Industrial Crops
Coffee – (South India)
Tea – (Sri Lanka)
Cotton – (Egypt, Pakistan)
Sugarcane – ( )
Jute - (Bangladesh)
Oil Seed – (India Ground Nut & Soya bean)
Coconut – (Sri Lanka)
Importance of Market Gardening and Orchard Farming
Reasons and trends in development in recent year
Special Emphasize on Mediterranean countries
Special Ref. of India regarding market gardening
b) Secondary Activities: Industry 5
Factors of Growth of Industrial Location (Theories of Industrial Location)
Major and minor industrial regions of the World
Types of industries –
A) Agro based –
i) Food Processing Industry (Developed countries) In comparison to India
ii) Cotton Textile (U.S.A., India)
iii) Ready-made Garments (India & World)
iv) New Trend in Jute Industry (Bangladesh, India)
B) Forest Based
Paper Industry (Canada, India)
Rubber Industry (Malaysia, Brazil)
C) Mineral Based – Metal – Iron & Steel (China, Japan, India)
Non metal – Petrochemical (U.S.A., India)
D) Engineering and Automobiles (U.S.A., India)
c) Tertiary Activities
Definition 5 periods
Classification: Trade, Transport, Communication, Services, Tourism.
d) Quaternary Activities
Information Based 3 periods
R & D (Research & Development) Based
e) Quinary Activities
Specialist 2 periods
Decision makers
Policy formulators
C) Population & Settlement
Density of population 5 periods
Man – Land Ratio, over population, under population, optimum-population
Present Trend of population growth of World with special reference to India.
Impact of Migration on distribution (worldwide) of population
Determinants of population change: Age-Sex Ratio
Causes of uneven distribution of population
Demographic Transition Model: Present status of India
Settlement: Types: Rural, Urban
Types of Rural Settlement
Factors determining the types of rural settlement
Distribution of rural settlement in India
Classification of Urban settlement based on size and functions
Urbanization in India
D) Regional Economic Development
Definition of Development 4 periods
Planning Regions
Hierarchy of Planning Regions
Special Reference to India
a) Chhatishgarh
b) Electronic Industry – Bangalore
c) Growth of Haldia Port
Questions on Theory part will be given in 03 patterns:
1. 21 MCQ type questions from all sections carrying 1 marks each= 21 marks.
2. 14 Short answer type question from all sections carrying 1 marks each= 14 marks.
3. 5 Analytical or Descriptive type question carrying 7 marks each= 35 marks.
Marks: 30
1. Interpretation of Topographical Maps: 8 marks (Plateau Region)
15 periods
Location, Topography with the help of contours,
(Draw of Cross section to show the topographical features like valley, spur, escarpment, peak (hell top)
etc.) Drainage System, Natural Vegetation, Transport and communication and settlement.
Co-relation with different physical and cultural elements with the help of Transect Chart.
2. Map Projection: 6 marks
i) Cylindrical Equal Area Projection 8 periods
ii) Simple Conical with one standard parallel
3. Statistics: 6 marks
· Concept of data: Primary & Secondary 12 periods
Grouped & ungrouped
· Tabulation & classification of data
· Frequency Distribution, Histogram
Frequency Polygon & Ogive
· Measures of Central Tendency : Mean, Median, Mode (calculation & computation)
· Standard Deviation & coefficient of variation
4. Project Work (any one): 5 marks
i) People’s Biodiversity Register 5 periods
ii) Earthquake & Landslides – Himalayan Region
iii) Volcanic Eruption – Japan
iv) Drought – Bankura, Purulia
v) Flood – Sunderban
5. Laboratory Note Book & Viva 3 + 2 = 5 marks