WBCS PRELIMINARY EXAM 2012 -Questions & Answer

WBCS PRELIMINARY EXAM 2012   (19.02.2012)
Time allowed 2 1/2 hours
Fll marks : 200
Answer all the questions.            TEST BOOKLET SERIS "A"
     Questions are equal value.
Serial no...........................         Ticket No....................  Signature of the candidate.................
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  INSTRUCTION
Cantidate should read the following insruvtion carefully before answer the qustion
1. The booklet consists of32 pages including this front page, containing 200 questions. Verify the Page nos. and Test Booklet Series on the each page and bring at once tote Invigilator's notice any sisvrepancy.

2. Answers will have tto be given in the special answe-sheet suplied for the purpose.

3. Before you proceed to make in the answer sheet in the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the answer sheet as per instruction sent to you in the Amit Card. Don not Fold The Answer Sheet As This Will Result In Error In You.

4. All questions are of multiple choice answer type. You will find four probable answers. (A), (B), (C) and (D) against each question. Find out which of the four answers appears to you to be corret or the best. Now darken the oval corresponding to the letter of the selected answer in the Anwer Sheet with BLACK BALL POINT PEN as per instruction printed on the reverse of the Admit Card and the Answer Sheet.

5. If more than one oval is encoded for a particular answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer.

6. There will be nagativw marking for wrong anwers. 1/3 rd mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

7. There are blank pages at the end og this booklet for rough work.

9. The special AnswerSheet shold be handed over to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. You are premitted to tak away the used Test Booklet after completion of he examination.

Direction for Question Nos. 1and 2
Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

1. I have no desire ______________ fame.
 (A) Of  (B) For  (C) In  (D) To
  Ans- (B)

2. There is an exception ____________ every rule.
(A To  (B) For  (C) In  (D) Up
Ans- (A)

3. 'Hpld fire' means
(A) To delay doing something  (B) Catch Fire  (C) Prevent fire  (D) Magniy
Ans- (C)

4. Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition:
(A) Liquid - Solid  (B)Enough - Adequate  (C) Entice - Lure  (D) Excess - Surplus
Ans- (A)

5. A 'soliloquy means
(A) Speaking to others  (B) speaking to oneself  (C) speaking in whispers  (D) Speaking to a friend
Ans- (B)

6. To take up the gauntlet means
(A) To accept the challenge (B) To refuse  (C) To appreciate  (D) To move
Ans-  (A)

7. 'Thespian art' refers to
(A) The art of tragedy  (B) The art of history  (C) The art of story telling  (D) Tribal art
Ans- (A)

8.'Cacography means
(A) Bad spelling  (B) Good spelling  (C) Incorrect spelling  (D) None of this above

9. The meat of dear is called
(A) Mutton (B) Venison  (C) Spoor (D) Tendil
Ans- (B)

10. 'Astronomy' means study of the
(A) Moon  (B) stars  (C) Sky  (D) Sun
Ans- (B)

11. Regicide means
(A) Murder of a father  (B) Murder of a king  (C) Murder of a brother  (D) Murder of a sister
Ans- (B)

12.'Aural' means
(A) Relating to the ear  (B) Relating to the eye (C) Relating to the air  (D) Relating to the water
Ans- (A)

13. Fill in the  blanks with the following pairs:
I am going to  Chennai ______ Monday _______ tour
(A) On, of  (B) On, with  (C) In, with  (D) Of, on
Ans- (A)

14. Tortuous means
(A) torture  (B) Tour  (C) Full of twists and turns  (D) Torturous
Ans- (C)

15. Replace the underlined part of the sentence by any one of the four alternatives given below:
He changed his job and was out of frying pan o fire.
(A) Happy with the job  (B) Misfit  (C) Ina condition from bad to worse  (D) Lucky in the choice
Ans- (C)

16. He sympathised ________ him in his bereavement.
(A) In  (B) For  (C) With  (D) By
Ans- (C)

17. He succeeded by the dint ____________ his hard labour.
(A) Of  (B) BY  (C) For  (D) Because

18. he tried by all means, by hook or by crook to win the case.
(A) By any means fair o foul  (B) By money (C) By Man power  (D) By muscle power

19. She is proficient in music but weak
(A) In study  (B) At lessons  (C) With study  (D) On stdy

20. A manicurist takes care of
(A) Foot  (B) Ear  (C) Nails (D) Mind

21.Lachrymose nature means
(A) Lethargic  (B) Prone to anger  (C) Prone to tear  (D) Energetic

22. A gourmet loves
(A) Fashion  (B) Action  (C) Food  (D) Films

23. A clever man sweeps his family scandals under the ____________
(A) Ground  (B) Floor  (C) Carpet  (D) Grave-stone

24. Hike in the price may mar the future of the trade world.
(A) Harness  (B) Help  (C) Better  (D) Worsen
Ans- (D)

25. A pugilist is a
(A) Boxer  (B) Swimmer  (C) Athlete  (D) Weight-lifter
Ans- (A)

26. Which of the following is not a unit of lenth?
 (এদের কোনটি দৈর্ঘ্যের একক নয়?)

(A) Light year- ( আলোকবর্ষ )  (B) Micron  (C) AU  (D) Radian
Ans- (D)

27. Absolute zero temperature is that temperature where
 পরমশূন্য তাপমাত্রা হল সেই তাপমাত্রা যেখানে
 (A) Water freezes to ice  - জল জমে বরফে পরিণত হয়
(B) All molecules of matter come to rest - পদার্থের অনু গুলির গতি স্তব্ধ হয়

(C) All matterr stay in the solid state-সমস্ত পদার্থ কঠিন অবস্থায় থাকে
(D) Kinetic and potential energies of the molecules become equal to each other. অনুগুলির গতিশক্তি ও স্থিতিশক্তি পরস্পরের সমান হয়।

Ans- (B)

28. Who founded the Gadar Party in San Francisco in the USA?
মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সান ফ্রান্সিসকোয় গদর পার্টি কে প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন?

(A) Lala Hardayal  (B) Ajit Singh   (C) Lala Lajpat Rai  (D) P. Mitra


29. Literacy rate of West Bengal in 2001 Census is
পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শিক্ষার হার ২০০১ এর সেন্সাস অনুযায়ী হচ্ছে
(A) 57%  (B) 75%  (C) 64-84%  (D) 60-70%

Ans- (C)

30. An object moving with constant speed on a horizontal surface will not have-
একটি বস্তু অনুভুমিক তলে সমদ্রুতিতে গমন করে। তবে বস্তুটির চলার সময় নিচের কোন রাশিটি থাকবে না?
(A) Veocity - বেগ
(B) Momentum - ভরবেগ
(C) Kinetic energy - গতিশক্তি
(D) Accleration - ত্বরণ
Ans- (D)

31. Who recently resigned from the Prime Minister-ship of Greece?
কে সম্প্রতি গ্রীসের প্রধানমন্ত্রীর পদ ত্যাগ করেছেন?
(A) Lucas Papadons
(B) George Pepandreon
(C) Petsalnikos
(D) Markel

Ans- (B)

32. Who made an attempt on the life of Lord Hardinge in 1912?
১৯১২ সালে লর্ড হার্ডিঞ্জের উপর কে আক্রমন চালিয়েছিলেন?
(A) Rashbihari Bose
(B) Bhagat Singh
(C) Khudiram Bose
(D) Ajit Singh

33.Name the author of the book 'India Wins Freedom'?
'ইন্ডিয়া' উইনস ফ্রিডম' গ্রন্থটির রচয়িতা কে?
(A) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(B) Sarder BallavBhai Patel
(C) Gobind Ballav Pant
(D) None of this above

34. Which surface is a good absorber of heat?
কোন তলটি তাপের উত্তম শোষক?
(A) white rough surface -সাদা অমসৃণ তল
(B) Black rough surface- কালো অমসৃণ তল
(C) White smooth surface - সাদা মসৃণ তল
(D) Black smooth surface - কালো মসৃণ তল

Ans- (B)

35. 1st UN Agency which has appointed Pallesine as full member
রাষ্ট্রপুঞ্জের কোন সংস্থা প্রথম প্যালেস্তাইনকে পূর্ণ সদস্য হিসেবে নিযুক্ত করেছে?
Ans- (B)

36. The Act of 1919 is known as
(A) Rowlatt Act  (B) Morley Minto Act  (C) Mont Ford Act  (D) Simon Act

Ans- (A)

37.Female literacy rate of  West Bengal in 2001 Census
পশ্চিমবঙ্গের নারী-শিক্ষার হার ২০০১ এর সেন্সাস অনুযায়ী হচ্ছে
(A) 64.5%  (B) 53.67%  (C) 43.8%  (D) 50.5%

 Ans- (B)

 38. Where will Commonwealth Games 2018 be held?
২০১৮ সালের কমনওয়েলথ ক্রীয়া কোথায় অনুষ্ঠিত হবে?
(A) Hambanota (Sri Lanka)  (B) Gold Coast (Australia)  (C) New Delhi  (D) St. Kits

Ans- (B)

39. Name the first Indian State which established "Lokayukta'?
ভারতের কোন রাজ্য প্রথম লোকায়ুক্ত নিয়োগ করেছে?
(A) Maharashtra (B) Andhra Padesh (C) Bihar (D) Kerala

 40. Which incident forced Mahatma Gandhi to call for the suspension of the Non-Cooperation movement in 1922?
(A) Mob violence in Chaurichaura  (B) Jalianwalabag massacre  (C) Chittagong Armoury Raid  (D) Foundation of the Swarajya Party

Ans- (A)

41. The Constitution of which one of the following countries play a prominent role?
(A) US Constitution  (B) French Constitution  (C) Indian Constitution  (D) British Consitution

Ans- (D)

42. A clear piece of glass immersed in glycerol cant not be seen separately because in the comparison to the refractive index of glycerol, the refractive index of glass is
(A) Greater  (B) Lesser  (C) Nearly equal  (D) This does not depend on refractive index

Ans- (C)

43. According to 2001 Census lowest literacy rate in India is found in
(A) Rajasthan  (B) Jharkhand  (C) Bihar  (D) MAdhya Pradesh

Ans-  (C)

44. With which country did Bangladesh sign a deal on 2nd November, 2011 to build its 1st Nuclear Power Plant?
(A) China  (B) Russia  (C) India  (D) France

Ans-  (B)

45. When a  positive charged conductor is earthed then
(A) Electron flow from the conductor to earth
(B) Proton flow from the conductor to the earth
(C) Electron flow from the earth to the conductor
(D) Proton flow from the earth to the conductor

Ans- (A)

46. In which Congress session was the demand for complete independence first made?
(A) Nagpur  (B) Amritasar  (C) Lahore  (D) Calcutta

Ans- (C)

47. In India the sex ratio according to 2001 Census is
(A) 933 females/ 100 males  (B) 927 females/ 100 males  (C) 898 females/ 100 males  (D) 800 females/ 100 males

48. Calculate the shielding suffered by valence electron in fluorine
(A) 5.20  (B) 4.80  (C) 5.80  (D) 4.85

49. A clock strikes once at 1 O'clock, twice at 2 O'clock....... twelve times at 12 O'clock. How many times will the bell be struck in course of 2 days?
(A) 78   (B) 264  (C) 312  (D) 144
Ans- (C)

50.Who raised the slogan 'Long Live Revolution' in the Central Legislative Assembly, Delhi?
 (A) Bhagat Sing  (B) Rashbihari Bose  (C) M.N Roy  (D) Lala Lajpat Rai
Ans- (A)

51.What is the proper connotation of the term 'secularism'?
(A) The State is the patron of all religions
(B) In the state affairs of the Governance and formulation of State Policies the State is not guided by religious considerations
(C) The State should promote dominant religion
(D) None of this above

Ans- (B)

52. The ratio of the radii of two circles is 5:4 . What is the ratio of their areas?
(A) 5:4  (B) 25:16  (C) 6:7  (D) 9:13
Ans- (B)

53. A profit of 25 % is made by selling an article for Rs. 30. If the article sold for Rs. 33.60, the profit would have been
(A) 30%  (B) 35%  (C) 40%  (D) 45%
Ans- (C)

54. Gold has extraordinary high density than silver. the reason is 
(A) Higher mass number of gold
(B) Higher atomic number of gold
(C) High screening effect
(D) Lanthanide contraction

55.CTBT is a term associated with
(A) Nuclear Weapon  (B) Central Taxes  (C) International Terrorism  (D) None of the above
Ans-  (A)

56. Who led the Muslim deputation at Shimla in 1906?
(A) Sali,ullah  (B) Aga Khan  (C) Muhammad Ali  (D) Saukat Ali
Ans- (B)

57. Which incident in colonial history of India marks the first war of independence?
(A) The peasant uprising at Chaurichara  (B) The Naval Mutiny of 1946  (C) Chittagong Armoury Raid  (D) Sepoy Mutiny in 1957
Ans- (D)

58. Which of the following waves is used for telecommunication?
(A) Infra red rays  (B) Ultra violet rays  (C) Micro waves  (D) X-rays
Ans- (C)

59. In which ancient text do you find the earliest reference to the Varma System?
(A) Manu Samhita  (B) Rigveda  (C) Atharva Veda  (D) Satapatha Brahmana
Ans- (B)

60. East Kolkata  Wetlands has been declared as a
(A) World Heritage Site  (B) Ramsar site  (C) Biodiversity site  (D) None of this above
Ans- (B)

61. Name the workers organisation founded by Mahatma Gandhi
(A) Indian National Trade Union Congress (B) Majoor Mahajan  (C) A.I.T.U.C  (D) Workers Welfare League
Ans- (B)

62. How many gms of a dibasic acid (mol wt 200) should be present in 100 ml of its aqueous solution to give 0.1 (N) strength?
(A) 2 gm  (B) 1 gm  (C) 10 GM  (D) 20 gm

63. Who composed the Allahbad Prasasti of Sumudragupta?
(A) Kalhana  (B) Bilhana  (C) Banabhatta  (D) Harisena
Ans- (D)

64. A high birth rate is associated  with
(A) A high female literacy rate
(B) A low female literacy rate
(C) A high male literacy rate
(D) none of this
Ans- (B)

65.Who was the founder of Anushilan Samiti?
(A) Aurobindo Ghosh
(B) Barin Ghosh
(C) Barrister Pramatha Nath Mitra
(D) Chittaranjan Das

Ans- (C)

66. The expression of average speed of gaseous molecule is
(A) 3RT/M  (B) √2RT/M  (C) √ 8RT/ πM  (D) √ 8KT/ πM


67.Sundarbans' has been cited as a World Heritage site due its
(A) Tiger reserves  (B) Sundari trees  (C) Mangrove trees  (D) Biodiversity
Ans- (C)

68. The salary of Anup is 30% more than that of Barun. Find by what precentage is the salary of Barun less than that of Anup?
(A) 26.12%  (B) 21.23%  (C) 23.07%  (D) 27.03%

69. Proteins are detected by
(A) Molisch's test  (B) Biuret test  (C) DNP test  (D) benedict's test
Ans-  (B)

70. Who was the Kaivartta Chief who rebelled against the Pala ruler Mahipala II of Bengal?
(A) Dhekata  (B) Gandhata  (C) Divya  (D) Mayuraddhvaja

71. Where the Azad Hind Fauj was first established?
(A) Tokyo (B) Rangoon  (C) Singapore  (D) Bangkok

72. Which one of the following is a thermoplastic polyer?
(A) Rubber  (B) NYlon 6-6 (C) PVC  (D) Bakelite

73 Hindu law inheritance is responsible for
(A) Low productivity of land  (B) Non-application of scientific mode of farming  (C) Non-avaliability of navigational facilities  (D) Subdivision and fragmentation of land holdings

74. The outh eastern part of the bengal selta is undergoing
(A) Subsidence  (B) Emergence  (C) Progradation  (D) None of the above

75.The 'Teory of National Selection' was proposed by
(A) J.B>S haldene  (B) G.J Mendel  (C) A.I Oparin  (D) C.R Darwin

76. Who among the Gupta rules was known as "Lichchavidauhitra'?
(A) Samudragupta  (B) Chandragupta II  (C) Kumaragupta  (D) Skandagupta

77. Indigo Revolt was regularly highlighted in
(A) Hindoo Patriot  (B) Times of India (C) Stateman  (D) Englishman

78.Which group of the society is worst affected by continuous inflationary price rise?
(A) Trade and merchants  (B) The innvestors class  (C) Self-employed group  (D) Fixed income group

79. A captain and vice-captain are to be chosen out of a team having 11 players. How many ways are there to do this?
(A) 99  (B) 110  (C) 90  (D) 22

80. The presence of pnematophore (breathing root) is found in
(A) Mangrove plants  (B) Epiphytic plants  (C) Hydrophytic plants  (D) Insectivores plants

81. The Khalimpur Copper Plate informs us about the military exploits of the Pala ruler
(A) Devapale  (B) Rampala  (C) Dharmapala  (D) Mahipala I

82. The first remote sensing satellite from India was
(A) P6  (B) P4  (C) IRS 1A  (D) CARTOSAT
Ans- (C)

83. Define the folllowing fnctions: f(x,y)=(x+y)/2,   g(x,y )= x² - y² and   h(x,y) = (x-y)/2, which of the following has a value 0.25 for x=0 and y = 0.5?
(A)    f(x,y)    (B)   g(x,y)    (C)   f(x,y)     (D)    f(x,y) +  g (x,y)

84.The enzyme 'DNA gyrase' is associated with the function of
(A) Proctein syntheses  (B) DNA replication  (C) Lipid biosynthesis  (D) DNA damage

85. Who was the authorof the book 'Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi'?
(A) Abul Fazl  (B) Minhaj-us-Siraj  (C) Ziauddin Barani  (D) Al Biruni

86.Who said "Swaraj is my birthright"?
(A) bal Gangadhar Tilak  (B) Bipin Chandra Pal  (C) Lala Lajpat Rai  (D) Mahatma Gandhi

87. What is capital?
(A) Money is capital  (B) Machineries andbulding constitute capital  (C) Capital is produced means of production  (D) None of the above

88. Xylem tissue ismainly concerned with the
(A) Photosynthesis of plants  (B) transport of water and mineral nutrient in plants  (C) Storage of prepared foods in plants  (D) Transport of enzymes in plants

89. Who was the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate ?
(A) Alauddin Alam Sham  (B) Ibrahim Lodi  (C) Bahhlul Lodi  (D) Sikander Lodi

90. Who was the leader of the Khuda-i-Khidmadgar?
(A) M.A. Jinnah  (B0 Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (C) A.K. Azad  (D0 Muhammed Ali

91.Which of th following facto is most important for future industrial devlopment of  India?
(A) Maintenance of industrial peace
(B) Creation of adequate infrastructural facilities
(C) Huge investment is to be undertaken by the investor class
(D) None of this above

92. Global Positioning System (GPS) is used to meadure
 (A) Depth of water  (B) Position of oceanic mineral  (C) Latitudes and longitude  (D) Circumference of the globe

93. The plant body is not 'differentiated' into root, stem and leaves' in
(A) Pteridophytes  (B) Angiosperms  (C) Gymnosperms  (D) Algae

94. Who was Babur's main adversary in the battle of Khanwa ?
(A) Mahmud Lodi  (B) Himu  (C) Pana Sanga  (D) None of them

95. Aerial photograph are studied with the help of
(A) Microscope  (B) Stereoscope  (C) Parallax bar  (D) Theodolite

96. The Krishak Praja Party in Bengal was establised by
(A) A.K Fazlul Huq  (B) muzaffar Ahmed  (C) Abdul Halim  (D) Humayun

( যদি কোন উত্তর ভুল লেখা হয়, তাহলে email করুন সংশোধন করে দেওয়া হবে এবং এই ভাবে আমরা পরস্পরকে সাহায্য করতে পারি )