Class XII: Biological Sciences Syllabus
                                CLASS - XII (Full Marks 100)
                                  Theory-80 Botany (Group - A)
                                            Marks - 25

1. Virus and Bacteria :
1.1  Characteristics of Animal Virus (Influenza Virus) and Bacteriophage (T2) ; Reproduction. (Comment: 4 characters with diagram)
1.2  Structure of TM V (Comment: Diagram)
1.3  Structure of typical Bacterial cell (E. coli) and Reproduction— Asexual, sexual. (Comment: Diagram)
1.4  Brief Bacterial Classification on the basis of:
      (a)  Morphology
      (b)  Nutrition type
      (c)  Staining behaviour
      (d)  Thermal sensitivity
      (e)  On the basis of flagella (Comment.: Chart and 1 example of each type.)
1.5 Utility of Bacteria
     (a)  Agricultural—Rhizobium and other nitrogen fixing bacteria
     (b)  Commercial—Beneficial for curd producing, tanning and in brewery,
     (c)  Medicine—Antibiotics and Vitamin synthesis.

2. Tissue and Tissue Systems: 
2.1  Tissue : Definition
      Types—Meristematic and permanent tissue. (Comment: Types with characterization and function) (Emphasis on permanent complex tissues) Concept of cambium and secondary growth. (Comment: Chart and diagram of each type)
2.2  Tissue Systems
       Definition : Types :-
      (a)  Epidermal with examples of Root hair, Stem hair and Stomata. (Comment: Diagram)
      (b) Ground (Comment: Charts and diagram)
      (c) Vascular—types with examples Stele—its major types (Comment: Charts and diagram);

3. Forms and Functions of Plants:
3.1  Morphological Features and Function of
A.  Root—Morphology and functions of Tap and Adventitious roots. (Comments: Diagram)
     (a)  Differences between Tap and Adventitious Roots
     (b)  Modifications—Raddish, Prop root, Pneumatophore, Epiphytic root Functions, Forms, Examples.
B.  Steam Introduction—Morphology and Functions.
     Modifications :
     Sub-aerial-offset—Water Hyacinth
     Under ground—Potato
    (Comment.; Definition, Example and figure)
C.  Leaf—Morphology, functions
     Phyllotaxy—Types with example
     Stipule—Normal two types :
    (a) Free lateral—China rose
    (b) Adnate—Rose
    Modified two types :
    (a)  Foliaceous—Pea
    (b)  Spinous—Acacia
    Leaf Modifications :
    Spine of Cactus, Pitcher plant phyllode.
    (Comment: All examples should be explained with figure)
    Types of leaves :
    Simple, Compound—pinnate, palmate (mention all subdivisions) (Comment: In a chart, with example and diagram)
    Homophylly and Heterophylly. (Comment : Mention only with diagram)
D.  Flower
    (a) Typical flower (China rose)—Different parts.
    Flower as a modified shoot. Types of flower : regular, irregular, actinomorphic, zygomorphic. (Comment: Examples with diagram) Cohesion and adhesion of stamens : Monadelphous, Diadephous, Polyadelphous, Epipetalous, Episepalous, Gynandrous. Relative position of different whorls of flower on the thalamus’: (Comment: Examples with line of diagram)
    Hypogynous, Perigynous, Epigynous Types of ovary—Superior, Inferior *Placentation, * Aestivation—Definition (*Comment: Example of Musaceae and Malvaceae)
   (b) Floral formula : Definition, Symbols used in floral formulae.
        Floral formulae of the following families / plants—
        Moncot—Banana (Musa paradisiaca)
        Dicot—China Rose (Hibiscus rosasinensis)
  (c)  Inflorescence—Definition, Major types—
        (i) Cymose—Definition with Example
        (ii) Racemose—Definition with Example
        (iii) Special—Hypanthodium-or
        Cyathium—Definition with Example. (Comment: Detail classification not required. All types should   be explained with line drawing and real figure.)
   (d)  Pollination—Definition
         Types : Self and cross-pollination
         Agents of pollination
         Characteristic features in relation to pollination type
         Merits and demerits of Self and Cross Pollination (Briefly)
   (e)  Fertilization—Process of double fertilization in a flowering plant. (Comment: Diagram)
E.  Fruit: Definition only with examples
     Types : True and False
     True : Simple—Mango (Comment: Figure with L.S.)
     Aggregate : Custard apple (Comment: Figure with L.S.)
     Multiple—Jack fruit or Pineapple (Comment: Figure with L.S.)
     False: Apple.

F.  Study of Seeds :- Dicot & Monocot
     Edible  parts  of some  known   fruits   :  Apple—Thalamus;
     Dilennia—Calyx; Pomegranate (Bedana)—Succulent testa; Mango
     Mesocrap; Pea—Cotyledon; Coconut—Endosperm;  Rice— Endosperm.
     Dispersal of fruits and seeds—Types with examples.
     Description of a monocot & a dicot plant . (Comment: Rice & Pea with charts) 
3.2  Plant Breeding
      Definition, significance
   1. Hybridization: Definition. Hybridization Technique: Emasculation.
   2. Breeder’s Kit (Brief idea) (Comment: with charts and diagrams)
   3. Micropropagation.

4. Photosynthesis:
 4.1   Major Photosynthetic pigments
 4.2   Outline concept of light and dark reaction phases
 4.3   Basic idea of bacterial photosynthesis
 4.4   C„ C,, C4 pathway. C.A.M.(C,and CAM in brief with word diagram only)
 4.5   Photorespiration.

5.  Growth, Metamorphosis and Aging :
 5.1  Phases and factors of Growth
 5.2  Differences between plant growth and animal growth. Grand period of growth 
 5.3  Differences between growth and development
 5.4  Metamorphosis—Definition, Types and role of Hormones
 5.5  Senescence and aging of plants and animals and its factors
 5.6  Abscission
 5.7  Pheromones
 5.8  Growth of seedlings and the role of Gibbcrellic Acid
 5.9  Photoperiodism.

                                             ZOOLOGY (Group - B) Marks - 25

1.  Classification of Animal Kingdom : 
 (a)  Classification with salient features of each phylum; Non-chordates up to phylum; Example of each phylum,
 (b)  Chordates : Characteristics of Hemichordata, Urochordata, Cephalochordatra with examples.
 (c)  Vertebrata : Characteristics of Agnatha, Gnathostomta, Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia with example.
 (d)  Mammalia : Salient features of Prototheria, metathcria and eutheria. (Comment: Minor coelomate and acoelomate excluded.)
 2. Outline Features of mammalian form  (Eutheria)  Guinea-pig (Cavia porcellus) : 
 (a)  External features
 (b)  Digestive System with special reference to Coprophagy or Caecotrophy
 (c)  Respiratory System
 (d)  Anatomy of Heart together with flow chart of blood circulation through heart
  (e)  Arterial System—Distribution of main arteries only
  (f)  Venous System—Distribution of main veins with special reference to Hepatic Portal System
  (g)  Excretory System
  (h)  Reproductive System (Comment: Necessary diagram for each system to be drawn.)

3. Outline Knowledge of Medical Zoology : 
  (a)  Outline idea of disease, their causative organism, mode of infection, symptoms and preventive measure of:
        (i) Malaria   (ii) Filaria   (iii) Ascariasis    (iv) Taeniosis
  (b)  Distinguishing features of Culex, Anopheles and Aedes
  (c)  Life Cycle and Comparative study of Culex and Anopheles
  (d)  Control measures of mosquito (Comment: Mention other mosquito borne disease—like encephalitis, meningitis; Tsetse fly carrying Trypanosoma causing sleeping sickness; Leishmania causing Kalazar.)

4. Outline Knowledge of Agricultural Zoology :
 A.  Fishery—Pisciculture.
    (i) Briefly explain with example—Major Carp, Minor Carp,
    (ii) Comparison between major and minor carp
    (iii) Brief idea with example of exotic fish
    (iv) Mechanism of induced breeding— hypophysation
    (v) Culture of major carp, composite culture and composite mixed culture.
    (vi) Common diseases of carp—Gill rot, fin or tail rot, Dropsy. 

B.  Pest and their management
    (i) Definition of Pest
    (ii) Types of Pest—
         (a)  Mamalian pest—Nature of damage by Bandicoota bengalensis
         (b) Insect pest—Mention the names of Scirpophaga (-Trypoyza) incertulus, Leptocorisa acuta, L. vericornis, Dicladispa (=Hispa) armigera *
         (c)  Outline idea of biological control of insect pest—control of mosquito by Gambusia, Panchax, Telapia^ etc.
           * Changes in names of insect pests as per the rules of International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature (1CZN).

5. Outline Idea about Economic Zoology : 
 (a)  Poultry—Types of poultry birds; high yielding varieties of poultry birds.
 (b)  Prawn Culture—Methods with special reference to tiger prawn.
 (c)  Pearl Culture—Importance of pearl culture.
 (d)  Apiculture—Types of honey bee (drones, workers, queen);  Composition and uses of honey.
 (e)  Sericulture—Types of mulberry plants; Definition of Silk; types of silk and silk worm (Muga, Endi, Tussore and mulberry silk) Life cycle of mulberry silk worm with reference to diapause and voltinism. Structure of silk worm larva and silk gland Disease of silk worm—Flacheri, Muscardine, grassarie, pebrine. Control of Muscardine only.

                                         Physiology (Group C) (Marks - 30)

1.  Conservation of matter and energy in the human system :
(a)  Nutrition
      Basic Constituents of food and their nutritional significance. B.M.R.—factors controlling, Respiratory quotient (Definition and significance only)
     Vitamins—dietary sources, functions, deficiency symptoms (in tabular form). Provitamin, Antivitamin, Pseudovitamin, Hyper- vitaminosis (Definition only). Nitrogen Balance. Biological and Nutritional value of protein.
(b)  Biochemistry and Metabolism
      Classification and properties of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Metabolism Definition only.
      Elementary idea only of the following :
      Metabolic pathways —(only biochemical pathways, noenzyme names needed)
      Glycogenosis, Glycogenosis, Gluconeogenesis. Oxidation of fatty acids, Ketone body formation and its significance. Amino acid pool. Deamination, Transamination and Decarboxylation (Definition only) [For glycolysis, Krebs’ Cycles and Electron Transport Chain (refer to 8.1 of Class XI syllabus)]
(c) Alimentation
     Structure in relation to functions of the alimentary canal and the digestive glands.
     Functions of the digestive juices including bile. (Saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, intestinal juice) including bile
     Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in tabular form.

Clinical conditions of G-I system.
    Scurvy, Peptic and Gastric ulcers. Gastritis Cirrhosis of Liver. Colon cancer. Starvation, Fasting and obesity.

2. Blood and the Body fluids: 
   Composition and Function of Blood.
   Blood Coagulation—Process in Brief and anti-coagulants. Use of Na- citrate as anticoagulant in blood bank.
   Blood group—A, B, O System and Rh factor. Blood Transfusion.
   Lymph and tissue fluid formation and function.

3. Cardio Vascular System :
    Anatomy of the Heart—Junctional tissues of the heart.
    Origin and Propagation of cardiac impulse.
    Histological structure of arteries, veins and capillaries.
    Cardiac Cycle—Arterial and ventricular events only. Cardiac Cycle Time. Heart sound.
    Cardiac output—Definition, Stroke volume and Minute volume.
    Principle of measurement only. (Fick method.)
    Blood Pressure : Factor controlling & Measurement.
    Causes of common cardio-vascular Diseases—Dietary Factors.
    Smoking, Stress, Diabetes, Alcoholism.
    Cyanosis. (Blue Baby.)

4. Respiratory System:
    Respiratory tract : From Larynx—Lung Mechanism of breathing— role of respiratory muscles intercostal muscle and diaphragm only.
   Significance of physiological and anatomical dead space.
   Tidal volume, inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes, residual volume, vital capacity (Definition & volume only).
   Composition of inspired, expired and alveolar air.
   Active and Passive smoking.
   Common Respiratory Diseases and their causes—Asthma, Tubercolosis, Lung Carcinoma. Hypoxia, Anoxia, Apnoea, Dyspnoea. (Definition only).
    Mountain sickness and acclimatization, (in brief)

5. Nerve and Muscle—The Excitable Tissue:
    Different types of muscles and their structure (in brief with diagram) Red and white muscle. Fast and slow muscle.
   Properties of muscle—
   (1) Excitability,     (2) Contractility,    (3) All or None Law,    (4) Refractory Period,   (5) Summation of stimuli,  (6) Tetanus,  (7) Rigor Mortis.
    Sarcotubular System and the mechanism of muscle Contraction.
    Isometric and Isotonic Muscle Contraction.
    Receptors—Classification in brief (According to function).
    Synapse—Structure and mechanism.

6. Nervous System:
    A Brief outline of the organization and basic functions of N. System (Central & Peripheral)
    Functions of 5 Major Parts of the Brains—Cerebral Cortex, Thalamus, Pons, Cerebellum, Medulla.
    Cranial Nerves : Distribution and function.
    Ventricles of the Brains and Cerebro Spinal Fluid
    Spinal Cord—Structure and major functions. Reflex Arc (types) and
    Reflex Action : Conditioned and Unconditioned reflexes.
    Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System.
    Nervous system—Sympathetic and Parasympathetic—Origin, Distribution and Functions.

7.  Endocrine System :
     Definition of Endocrine gland and hormones.
     Classification of Hormones.
     Elementary Idea of Hormone Action. (Proteins and Steroid Hormones).
     Functions and disorders and related diseases of the following glands :-
     (i) Pituitary    (ii) Thyroid    (iii) Pancreas    (iv) Adrenal   (v) Parathyroid    (vi) Placenta. Elementary idea of gastrointestinal hormones.
     Prostaglandins—Definition and Functions.

8.  Excretory System : 
    Histology and function of the nephron (Brief idea).
    Diabetes insipidus. Normal and Abnormal Constituents of urine.
    Accessory Excretory organs—Skin, Liver, Salivary Gland, Large Intestine (mention only).

9.  Skin and Body Temperature Regulation :
     Physiology of sweat secretion. Sensible and insensible perspiration. Role of hypothalamus in body temperature regulation.

10. Reproduction and Developmental Biology : 
     Primary and Secondary sex organs and the secondary sex characters.
     Testis—Histology, Testicular Hormone and their functions.
     Spermatogenesis with structure of sperm.
     Ovary—Histology. Ovarian hormones and their functions. Oognesis with structure of mature grafian follicle.
     Menstrual cycle and estrus cycle. (Brief idea) Fertilization and Inplantation.
     A brief idea about cleavage, morula, blastula and gastrula formation.

11. Immunology:
      A brief idea of antigen and antibody. Elementary knowledge of inherited, acquired, humoral, cell mediated immunity. Active and passive Immunity.

                                                       Practical Full Marks - 20

1.  Experiment:
    (a)  Botany -               [5 M]
    (b)  Zoology -             [5 M]
    (c)  Physiology -         [5 M]

2.  Laboratory Note Book :-
3.  Herbarium:-             [2 M]